Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Moving along
Spoke with the doctor yesterday, New food plan
Breakfast - shake with banana
snack- tomato
Lunch- veggie and protein ( chicken breast for protein)
snacck -veggie and almond butter
evening snack- veggie and egg
Dinner- veggie and shake
Seems like alot of food. Basically kind of like what I was doing but replacing veggies with the fruit that i was eating.
My feelings- just want to lose all the weight and go on to the show. Sometimes alittle sad about the loss of the babies. But encouraged to press on. Losing the weight takes my mind off of the grief but does not fully heal my heart. When we go back to Hollywood i will not be pregnant. I had so hoped having a success story with my rainbow baby. But that isnt going to happen just yet. I guess it is meant to be I lose the weight first.
Breakfast - shake with banana
snack- tomato
Lunch- veggie and protein ( chicken breast for protein)
snacck -veggie and almond butter
evening snack- veggie and egg
Dinner- veggie and shake
Seems like alot of food. Basically kind of like what I was doing but replacing veggies with the fruit that i was eating.
My feelings- just want to lose all the weight and go on to the show. Sometimes alittle sad about the loss of the babies. But encouraged to press on. Losing the weight takes my mind off of the grief but does not fully heal my heart. When we go back to Hollywood i will not be pregnant. I had so hoped having a success story with my rainbow baby. But that isnt going to happen just yet. I guess it is meant to be I lose the weight first.
Monday, July 26, 2010
School time snack when a piece of fruit isnt like classmates
Pineapple,walnut, banana muffins or bread
3 eggs
1/2tsp of vaniila
2 cups of whole grain flour
1 tsp baking soda
1tsp of stevia
1- 20 ounce can of crushed pineapples
2 smushed banana
3 eggs
1/2tsp of vaniila
2 cups of whole grain flour
1 tsp baking soda
1tsp of stevia
1- 20 ounce can of crushed pineapples
2 smushed banana
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Another few pounds
Workout was yesterday the past week the weight loss was another 3 pounds. Slowly happening.
I told Zane our trainer yesterday, all the over eating and years of strain was not worth how i feel when working out..lol We both laughed. When i do all the walking and working out the numbers are about three to four pounds. - plus drinking the water. That pretty much means protein/veggies and fruit. No cheating. I'm ok with it.
I told Zane our trainer yesterday, all the over eating and years of strain was not worth how i feel when working out..lol We both laughed. When i do all the walking and working out the numbers are about three to four pounds. - plus drinking the water. That pretty much means protein/veggies and fruit. No cheating. I'm ok with it.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
One of my favorite meals
I almost feel like I am cheating eating this meal, but Dr. G did say all veggies.
1 Portabella Mushroom Chopped
1 Half Red onion chopped
A couple Roma Tomato chopped
And a Couple Tbs of Olive oil
Just fry in a frying pan.
I add alittle garlic powder for seasoning and basil
I have a huge plate of veggies with no guilt :)
How to do the squat
I feel like i look silly doing these but we do these everyday with our workout. I really hope if they do footage of us on the return show I will not be doing these. Least of my favorite I would rather walk 5 miles than do the squat.
Our Dear Trainer Zane has been so patient with me he is not a Jillian. However on one of the last visits he said ok Tori we are done with the squats lets go on to something else. Then he said no lets do a few more. I laughed to myself because i think he knows how i hate them. Zane is wonderful trainer.
How to Do Crunches
In a millon years I never thought I would be doing these, my excuse was I have had surgery on my stomach. These are quite easy- and I know they help to rid me of the huge stomach Though I will never be 20 years old again with work I can be average and on the road to health.
Dr. G said it will take up to three months for your body to shrink to be the size it should be once you have reached your goal weight. For things to tighten.
Being a healthy average weight is great for me- knowing all the while i will never look like the video's :)
I am not aiming to be a size 2 - average size that is healthy will do. A size that my children can say I am proud of you Momma.- That is all i aiming for.
Joy makes you Strong
Nehemiah 8:10
Be not grieved and depressed for the Lord is your strength and stronghold.
I read something the other day that made alot of sense, God knows our whole life from beginning to end, when struggling with loss or something hard in our life we can only see past our own nose. Gods knows everything. So finding joy in him gives strength. As human and christians we forget to lean on him. We are not alone.
Working out
I have been pushing myself to do all the exercise whether i feel like it or not. What a gift our family has received to have this help. Walking 3 and half miles daily, doing crunches,squats rows, exercise bike.
Drinking the eight bottles of water, shake for breakfast, fruit, protein veggie for lunch, and veggies for dinner.
What i have been doing for dinner is getting a large mushroom frying it in little olive oil, with Roma tomato's and red onions. Just as good as any steak and very filling. I have the option of drinking a shake also but really trying to get the pounds off.
I love when i see the scale go down. - What a nice surprize After awhile the excerise becomes apart of your day you dont see it as a chore but a appericated time for yourself. There are times i will go for my 3 mile walk and after the children are settleing down for the evening i will take Bellla for another mile walk. After the sun is down.
Sky Diving
I have really always wanted to Sky Dive....but thinking I am going to chicken out once it is my turn.
I had asked Jerry the other day has he ever wanted to do that. He said yes.
Thinking....maybe after I have reached my goal weight we may just go do that. - or watch him anyway..LOL :) - he is pretty good about making me smile and laugh.
Nehemiah 8:10
Be not grieved and depressed for the Lord is your strength and stronghold.
I read something the other day that made alot of sense, God knows our whole life from beginning to end, when struggling with loss or something hard in our life we can only see past our own nose. Gods knows everything. So finding joy in him gives strength. As human and christians we forget to lean on him. We are not alone.
Working out
I have been pushing myself to do all the exercise whether i feel like it or not. What a gift our family has received to have this help. Walking 3 and half miles daily, doing crunches,squats rows, exercise bike.
Drinking the eight bottles of water, shake for breakfast, fruit, protein veggie for lunch, and veggies for dinner.
What i have been doing for dinner is getting a large mushroom frying it in little olive oil, with Roma tomato's and red onions. Just as good as any steak and very filling. I have the option of drinking a shake also but really trying to get the pounds off.
I love when i see the scale go down. - What a nice surprize After awhile the excerise becomes apart of your day you dont see it as a chore but a appericated time for yourself. There are times i will go for my 3 mile walk and after the children are settleing down for the evening i will take Bellla for another mile walk. After the sun is down.
Sky Diving
I have really always wanted to Sky Dive....but thinking I am going to chicken out once it is my turn.
I had asked Jerry the other day has he ever wanted to do that. He said yes.
Thinking....maybe after I have reached my goal weight we may just go do that. - or watch him anyway..LOL :) - he is pretty good about making me smile and laugh.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Birthday party
Her Brother Kaplin,
Kaplin doesn't like his picture taken very much. Under the tough guy is a very sweet young man. I believe Kaplin doesn't like his picture taken to much because his Me maw took his picture so much when he was a baby...lol Kaplin when he was small won second place in Most photogenic baby. :) He almost won a modeling contract and trip to New York... ( I am a proud Momma) On anyone else I wouldnt like the hair cut very much but your only a teen once it is just a phase. :)
Your only a teen once.
We purchased frozen yogurt and angel food cake with whip creamed icing. We really try to make things as "normal" for Patience as possible. It isnt easy, she makes me so proud- the other day when shopping at Walmart Simplicity wanted a snack of course it was chips....But Patience ran over to the produce and said Momma can i get this yummy looking salad.- So sweet. She trys so hard. And it is really working. She is now starting to tell me the numbers on the back of the labels. Of how much sugar something has in it. Although she is still overweight- it feels wonderful to shop for her. We do not have to go to the ladies dept this year to try and make a dress for her birthday. :) Last year I went to the ladies and bought a Taylor Swift long shirt and we made a dress out of it. Of course she was as beautiful as ever to me. But she could not understand why she had to do that. This year in the school year she will actually be able to wear jeans. Real jeans instead of cotton leggings.
Here is one of her favorite songs
It's my party they sing in on Alvin and the chipmunks.
She cracks me up when she sings this song :) She knows all the words and does the dramtics of course :)
This photo reminds me of the song....Paitence and sad face :) She had a fun time and still winding down for the night laying on her bed playing her Leaspter2- She wanted a Ds but Simplicity has one we wanted to see how she would do with this and let Santa bring her a Ds. She is happy. :)
Can the years go by slower, ahhh my baby is growing up sooo fast. - The party felt good but couldnt help to be reminded of the little girl i lost recently- this would be the month of the big ultra sound. Very greatful for all of my children but as always remembering the ones that are my angels. Sometimes it doesnt seem real when I go by the baby section. Just to think there could have been twins. I was given twins and lost them. I found myself the other day picking up a baby outfit and remebering my little one. But then quickly walking away and focused on shopping for the girls.
God has blessed me so many times who to say he wont again. And I go on to have a healthy pregnancy.- Still struggling with the grief on holdiays and events.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Something to do besides eating
OK....I am not a craft er, let me say that. Or not a professional hair bow maker. But for fun I do make my daughters hair bows.
Real hair bow artists sew their bows I just hot glue mine. I wanted to share with you a simple hair bow i do.for my girls
Step one Fold your ribbon in half. I always burn the edges do they do not fray. I love getting the big polka dotted ribbons and holiday ribbons..
Step 2 where you folded your ribbon the crease your going to take the first half and bring to the crease. If i can do this a
anyone can :)
Step there take the other half and bring to the center by there it is going to look like the Cancer awareness ribbons similar to a figure 8. Remember i Hot glued mine so you hot glue with every step.
I have hot glued the center of each middle of the where my crease is.
After this is done I usually add a silk flower, or Letters Like a P for Patience, the iron on letters or I add a fancy button.
Then I hot glue the clip on the back.
I hope to start making the bows with little Palmer clay figures like cupcakes
Since my Simplicity is almost 12 she doesnt wear the bows much, only on Holidays. Or something fun.
Patience is a good sport about it and always says ohhh Momma you made me a new bow.
I love love love my girls sooo much.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
I loved Toy Story 3, although I cried cried cried a good part of the movie. My oldest child Kaplin was a toddler when the movie came out. So the little boy in the movie was 17 also. Kaplin will not be 17 until January.
Oh my goodness my son melts my heart- It is amazing watching him grow into a young man but boy i miss my little boy :)
I am learning the need for wanting to protect your children does not stop when they are a baby. Kaplin will be driving himself to school in October-- and I am so scared for him out there on the road. My baby will be going out with friends and just acting like a grown up. I miss my little boy- when i could keep him safe inside on the couch in his Toy story slippers watching Toy Story on tape. :) But growing up happens. I have so much love for my son Kaplin.
I loved Toy Story 3, although I cried cried cried a good part of the movie. My oldest child Kaplin was a toddler when the movie came out. So the little boy in the movie was 17 also. Kaplin will not be 17 until January.
Oh my goodness my son melts my heart- It is amazing watching him grow into a young man but boy i miss my little boy :)
I am learning the need for wanting to protect your children does not stop when they are a baby. Kaplin will be driving himself to school in October-- and I am so scared for him out there on the road. My baby will be going out with friends and just acting like a grown up. I miss my little boy- when i could keep him safe inside on the couch in his Toy story slippers watching Toy Story on tape. :) But growing up happens. I have so much love for my son Kaplin.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Food Diary
Shake for Breakfast
With a Banana in the shake.
Apple for Morning snack
Lunch Grilled Chicken breast, grilled veggies and Salad.- Protein and veggies for lunch
Dinner - Shake, I was supposed to eat veggies with the shake but not very hungry tonight.
After the shake i will go for my three mile walk, Did the usual workout this morning, excerise bike, crunches, squats, and rows
Drinking the 8 bottles of water and playing with the kids outside as much as possible. (jumping on trampoline, playing ball)
With a Banana in the shake.
Apple for Morning snack
Lunch Grilled Chicken breast, grilled veggies and Salad.- Protein and veggies for lunch
Dinner - Shake, I was supposed to eat veggies with the shake but not very hungry tonight.
After the shake i will go for my three mile walk, Did the usual workout this morning, excerise bike, crunches, squats, and rows
Drinking the 8 bottles of water and playing with the kids outside as much as possible. (jumping on trampoline, playing ball)
Monday, July 5, 2010
Food Diary
Shake for Breakfast,
Apple for morning snack
Dinner Salad : Red leaf lettuce, red onions, cucumber, Tomato, and home made salad dressing And one piece of Baked Salmon.
Apple for morning snack
Lunch Chicken with mixed veggies, and creamed Broccoli
Dinner Salad : Red leaf lettuce, red onions, cucumber, Tomato, and home made salad dressing And one piece of Baked Salmon.
And 8 bottles of water, 5 pound weight loss this week. Hopefully on the right track.
On the fourth I did eat some angel food cake. Dr. G said that was approved sweet treat for Patience every now and then. She actually said it was tooo sweet for her- even though it was sugar free. And ate a big piece of watermelon instead.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Today was The Estimated Due Date of My daughter Star. Fourth of July has been a hard holiday for me three years now. We had a nice day together with the children and my Parents. Jerry and I went shopping for Patience birthday gift her birthday is next week. I so wish I would have been shopping for two girls in July.
We have purchased Patience a Leapster2 and plan to get her a groovy girl and new pj's.
And a trip to Chuck E Cheese. Patience insists that we have sparklers on her birthday since her birthday is in JULY. She wil be 6 years old soon.
This song is to my Daughter Star. Momma and daddy will always love YOU. But know your in a beautiful place above the rainbows. And there is no doubt I will hold you one day in heaven.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL7Caq1UJ2Y
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