Friday, May 28, 2010

Food Diary

Shake of Course with Frozen Banana, I become so full with the shake this morning I walked away and forgot about it. Jerry said are you going to drink this. :)

Snack- Apple and 12 almonds

Lunch was Turkey, mixed veggies squash, and pureed Broccoli.
Dinner was Salmon and mixed veggies.

Good day expect the fact I had abnormal test results so that requires more testing. The great thing is when i found this news out I did not come home and over eat. Things are going to be OK. - I also found out my sweet baby was a little girl. I am very glad I do not have to spend a lifetime wondering.- Bless her heart. She is very loved- as all of my children. Now that I know who this little person was it becomes very emotional for me.- I know she would want me to not give up. So I must keep trying. If it wasn't for her pregnancy I would have never known about the abnormal tests the other doctor never called me.

I have added this song because I heard it on my way to the doctors to the surgery when I had lost my daughter. In mind my I can see my two little girls in heaven dancing laughing and playing. This is what i believe the words she would say to me to have the strength to go on.

I have added the song below because it is so beautiful, I know it is for a daughter and father. And it doesnt relate to loss but I just know if this little girl was born Jerry and I would have had these feelings for her. I love this song. -  I have hope to still have another baby- Finding out it was alittle girl hurts my heart so when I look at my girls. I wonder if she had dimples and pretty curly hair. Some day I will know.

This picture was taken the day I found out I needed a D and C. It is a double rainbow- I just know my sweet girl sent it to me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Lunch is Chicken, Lima Bean mix, and Rice. Looks like alot of rice but it isn't. 1 cup. This meal was 329 Calories. Remembering to eat the starch for lunch.
The meals have brown rice or Long grain rice.

In the past, before the plan.we would have a meal close to this but it so easy to just go ahead and eat the left overs.What i have learned for life is no it's not OK- measure the food. In the future when shopping I will purchase the bag of brown rice instead of the nice little Rice a Ronni pack that has a ton of  sodium in it. Plain is better- you can add your own spices. And love those veggies.

Snack was 12 Almonds with a Banana

A piece of Salmon and a Huge Salad
Tomatoes,cucumbers,Lettuce,Red onions and a few grapes. A spoon of Jerry's homemade Salad dressing.- Very low cal.

Food Diary

Shaking it up for Breakfast again. All this week the nutritionist has us doing the shake. Which I love. A nice chocolate treat!!!!
I put a frozen banana in mine this morning.
The Shake isn't meant for a lifetime, He has shown us what to eat for breakfast and what not to eat.

Here is the good food list:
Turkey Bacon ( a few slices)
Oatmeal/Greek yogurt/ fruit
Veggies you cannot go wrong.

Whole Wheat Waffle- if you your going to have them every now and then and sugar free syrup.
Whole wheat wraps are good for the veggies
I would rather have a lot of fruit and a nice big plate of veggies and egg instead. We fix the crock pot oatmeal on the weekends with the steel cut oats and add fruit.

This was my morning fruit Patience and I shared it, Guess which munchkin ate most of the Strawberries? Not complaining I love for my children to have the love of fruit. Instead of all the prepacked sugar.

Up before the break of dawn

Jerry has to be at work at 7:00 am in the mornings so usually he is up doing his exercises before work. It is important to fit that time in your schedule. So many times in the past when he worked odd hours it would be so easy to say I just don't have time. I am so proud of him now he has lost 100 pounds.

What he is holding in his hand can be purchased at Walmart for as little as $15.00 for a whole set. And you do rows with them. They tighten the muscles in your arms and get rid of the Flab!!! Jerry is down to a Large shirt now- for the man who was once a 3 X. The workout shorts are HUGE!!!

He also went for a 30 minute walk before work and will go for the family walk this evening. Make time for yourself. YOU deserve it.

He did more than just those two things and at a later time I will show you some easy workout tips you can do at home.- All free!!!


Ok I will not lie, My children drank Diet Cola for years, Mainly because that was what I would drink. Water can get alittle boring for children even for adults. So instead of Soda we have Vitamin water as a treat. Or no sugar juice. I mean soda's are every where.- Sad!!!! Especially for the little ones.

When I do drink the vitamin water I usually drink half with half water. It isnt to sweet but sweet enough for me. And plus I do not need to use extra calories all in one treat :)

Why Dont they sell these things at the Movies instead of coke? Even at Patience's fun day at school the drink they were serving was oddles and oddles of coke!!!!

This photo was taken last Fall of Jerry and Patience, 100 pound weight loss for Jerry and 25 for Patience. It would be unhealthy for Patience to lose to much more right now because she is still growing. For the sweet little girl who once wore a Ladies large is now wearing clothes from the girls dept. Who are these nice people?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Walking is Free, We ended our Monday with a nice family walk. For Patience we make it more like a game for her instead of excerise. Tonight Jerry went one way and The girls and I went the other and we met half way. Whoever made it to the middle was the winner!!!! Our walks with Patience are about 45 minutes. And we also toss the ball around in the yard or play the Wii.
Something to stay active.

Food Diary

I have decided to start taking pictures of what we are eating so that it will be visual.

For Breakfast One Whey Protein Shake, with 4 Ice cubes, and 1 Banana - Whey Protein Shake mix can be found in Walmart or health food stores. It is optional but you may add a Tablespoon of Almond Butter or all Natural peanut butter.
Mix it up try different berries and fruits. The Whey Protein tastes alot better than Slim Fast and better for you. Water is added to the mix about 8 ounces. After sometime of drinking this your stomach will feel full. - Our Shake is bigger than this probably about two of these glasses. Patience drinks a shake in the afternoon for her snack. For Breakfast Patience will have a Serving of Fruit,1protein and we add veggies. As long as she has a protein with her fruit her sugar level is stable.

Morning Snack- One Apple

I drink 8 water bottles daily, Jerry9,
And Patience at least 3.
Water is the main source for flushing out the fat.
And keeping the body healthy. I really hated to drink water, but it really does work. Your kidneys need the water.

Also I would like to Add you do not need a lot of money to eat healthy.Beans are very cheap, Your can purchase fruit in bulk at a farmers market or A store such as Aldi. Chicken and fish are very reasonable. A jar of Natural Peanut butter or Almond butter can last for some time. Eggs are a good source of protein. A couple of bags of apples and oranges last our family a week. Bananas are always on sale. There is no "Magic Food". Yes our family was very blessed to have a meal service provided but you can do this at home on your own. What the nutritionist taught us is a gift we will carry for a lifetime. I never want to be the Mom with a cart full of "Fat free" items that cost almost what a average family would make in one week. There is no Magic food. Portion is everything. And the wonderful thing about it You will not be starved :)
Just to think of how we once bought the "Fat Free" products and thought we were doing a good thing for our child.- We did not know.- Lots of lots of chemicals.
If your wondering about Breakfast- the shake is not what we have or always will drink.
At this time we are drinking it. But in the past We would eat as Patience, Veggie/fruit/protein for breakfast.- For our family The protein plan works best with our body make-up. With Our child Simplicity She may have a starch for breakfast but anything that comes in our home is Whole Wheat or Whole grain. Of course Simplicity does not have a weight issue we really try to get the girls to eat close to the same thing. So no one feels left out. Sometimes I will make omlets with tons of veggies. And have fruit

This is lunch today: Chicken with Gravy and Black lentils And Brussel sprouts.

Notice I said Gravy. The key point is your going to want a Veggie/Protien/Starch for lunch.

This meal was 310 calories. Looks like alot of beans right? Try to eat most calories at lunch and the lighter meals at dinner.

You can make something like this at home- of course you will not be eating gravy everyday. Sometimes it just Fish and veggies. Or a BIG Salad with a protein. Worried about your kids liking it? Kids adapt.- Once they see mom and dad loving the Brussels sprouts they say hey can I have a bite!!!- For Patience we think up creative names or tell her You want to be like a Beautiful princess right.

When Patience was attending School this past year her basic lunch would be 3 ounces of Turkey and a piece of fruit. And water. Or Almond butter sandwich with sugar free preserve on Whole wheat bread or whole grain.- The chips,pudding snacks,cookies were not needed. That filled her up. Every now and then we would add a sugar free yogurt but usually it wasn't needed. The sandwich and fruit were enough. Or a whole wheat wrap with lettuce,tomatoe, and tuna. Almonds could have been added to her lunch also but she wasn't very fond of the almonds.

I would tell you carrot sticks and all that jazz- and we did but alot of times they were not eaten.The sandwich and fruit were enough. She likes carrot sticks and celery however little Ms. Patience is to busy talking at lunch....:)

Afternoon Snack 1apple and 12 almonds, Seems like a apple day!!!! We measure the almonds beforehand so there is no extra snacking. Any fruit and 12 almonds are a nice snack. You could always use All Natural Peanut butter or Almond butter. About a Tablespoon.

Dinner is Tilapia, Bean mix, and french cut green beans.
If we have meat for dinner it is always fish. Like I said beans are very cheap. You can make all kinds and have a cup along with your dinner. We do not eat Green peas for dinner because they have alot of sugar in them. Today was a wonderful day- getting ready to go for our evening walk. YOU CAN DO THIS just look at my beautiful 5 year old she did. See we were not starving. Your probably thinking wow they eat alot :) It does seem like alot of food but at the end of the day I can sleep knowing I did my best and ate to live not lived to eat. We try not to get obsessed with calorie counting but in case your wondering it is about 1200 daily. And for Patience between 1500-1600. We do not do cows milk- either Rice Milk or Soy. Patience also takes a Multi Vitamin and Vitamin D.