How do we handle this as parents? And for ourselves? Not go? And hear the kids say oh its a carnvial we want to go!!! And say no sorry kids we cannot go ever!!! I have to admit Fried green tomatoes sound pretty yummy. However do they have nutrintional value? And will i put on a few pounds?
What we will do as a family is let the children go walk around, ride some rides, play in the bouncy thing, pet the animals. Enjoy all the facuets of the festival but not even go around the food. Do not even go down the lane. However the pay off is either before the festival go to subway, or a healthier food choice place to eat before or after.
That is the way it has to be, In the case of Simplicity if she were going with a friend and their parents I would probally give her some money to get her a carmel apple or such. Simplicity is actually underweight. But it wouldnt be alot the focus would be on the festival. It is all about loving yourself and choosing the best for your body. Of course Jerry and I may look at each other and smile and say ohhh, but really try not to in front of Patience because we are more able to say no than she is, she is still a child. If she sees the cotton candy of course she will want to be more like the other kids. I know I always say this but I am so very proud of my Patience and her will power. - Very sweet girl. From a geographic stand point, we are going to have festivals like this come up. But is all about doing what is right for our daughter and learning to adapt.
Also on a side note, Patience and Simplicity started a Cheerleading Class last week. I figured it would be good excerise for Patience and help to keep her active. She is bigger than the other girls but she puts all she has into the class. Some of the flips were to much for her. Because Patience still is heavier for her age. However as long as she wants to do the class I will contiune to encourage her. If she chooses to do dance or karate i will encourage that as well. Patience is not a quitter. We meet with the trainer tonight. :)- Patience still attends Girls Scouts also. We really try to keep her busy or she keeps us busy!!!
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