Saturday, August 21, 2010

Black Bean Brownies

My children no longer ask for the typical treats, Although the temptations are everywhere. Patience is selling candy for her Girl Scout troop right now.Her class received pixie sticks for good behavior!!! She handles it all with Grace.My sweet girl.
So what did I do I made them a treat, your probably thinking how can black bean brownies be good.
They are. And the good thing about them is Patience ate the one Brownie, the fiber in it made her brain believe OK you have had enough. She liked it, the chocolate was rich.

4  eggs
1tsp of vanilla (sugar free if you can find it) if not its OK
2 Tsp of oil
15 oz can of Black beans( no added flavors- try to get no sodium beans)
3Tsp of  Baking coca
1/2 cup of splenda or other sweetener we used stevia - quarter of a cup
1 tsp of baking powder
Grease8x8 pan with baking spray, Heat oven to 375
Drain and Rinse the can of  beans very well
In processor put eggs, vanilla and oil and mix
Add Baking powder and sweetener
Then coca
Then your Black beans make sure you mix until all lumps are out of the beans.
Bake for35 minutes or till it comes out clean using a toothpick.

I promise the kids loved these, didn't even know about the beans. OK what does Dr. G say about this?
He said every now and then but we do not want Patience thinking all Brownies are OK. We have explained to her unless Momma And Daddy say they are OK then they are not. Because the rest of  Brownies out there have to much sugar in them and will make her sick.
She understands.- It is amazing her attitude on this. I have to remember I do not want her to have full blown diabetes in  a couple years, so it is very important to help her now. Thankfully Patience understands.
Sometimes I believe Jerry and I are not saving her, but she saved us.
I made her Tacos on Friday and the cashier said oh your having tacos. I laughed to myself and thought If you only knew, Tacos was a TREAT. And I thought what average family serves all the creamy rich food a few times a week. ( of course the Tacos we made were with Turkey, and whole wheat wraps) And our own seasoning not the packet. Anyway we are aiming to be the typical family that choses to be healthy. Sometimes I will not use the wrap at all and just serve Taco salad. ( A real salad without any shells)
Still Learning.
* A key note to remember when we make a recipe such as this we want Patience to enjoy the taste but not crave the sugar.
 When they are faced in siutuations and offered this sort of thing in the world she will know the item she is being offered is way to sweet. We are trying to get Patience used to the idea now, Treats taste healthy- they do not taste like a big bowl of sugar. - Because trust me there will be times a stranger will think they are doing a good thing by offering your child this type of thing and it have all the fat and sugar.
I never want to go back to Our old life.

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