Friday, September 24, 2010

Food Plan for the week

As Dr. G affectionatly calls it "Food Jail" He is so funny!!!!:)

Breakfast- Whey Protein shake, A tablespoon of almond butter, and 1 Banana
Morning snack- Tomato
Lunch- Protein /veggie
Afternoon snack- egg, tomato
Dinner- veggies/shake and switching every other night fish/veggie

As long as I am eating according to the plan and drinking all the water- it doesn't seem like food jail at all. Just a healthy way of eating.
When driving in the mornings i see all the fast food places and think, wow look at the money we have saved. We have not eaten out in a year. Subway occasionally, I could not imagine ever going back to eating fast food regularly. If you notice the new food plan has very little fruit- A banana in the mornings. Not that fruit is bad ,,,for me my body processes protein the best. If my sugar gets alittle low i am allowed some grapes or other fruit.. Got to love food jail ;)

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